Edit on 2016-09-13: I have changed things a bit and this article is now obsolete.
I recently wrote about having made an XDG App build of Blender.
Since then, XDG App got renamed to Flatpak.
As the command-line tool was also renamed, I figured I'd write a new post with updated instructions.
So first, install the Freedesktop.org runtime:
$ wget https://sdk.gnome.org/keys/gnome-sdk.gpg
$ flatpak --user remote-add --gpg-import=./gnome-sdk.gpg gnome https://sdk.gnome.org/repo/
$ flatpak --user install gnome org.freedesktop.Platform 1.4
Next, install Blender from my repository:
$ flatpak --user remote-add --no-gpg-verify bochecha https://www.daitauha.fr/static/flatpak/repo-apps/
$ flatpak --user install bochecha org.blender.app
At this point, you should be able to run Blender from the command line:
$ flatpak run org.blender.app
It should also work if you try running it from the GNOME Shell application picker.
As before, do let me know how it works for you, and especially if it doesn't.