Articles in the Blog category

  1. Recruiting Fedora packagers

    At work we produce our own distribution which is basically a downstream of RHEL / Fedora, adapted to the specific needs of our products.

    We're looking to hire someone to do the following:

    Build RPM packages

    Most of the time, we usually just rebuild packages from RHEL / Fedora packages with some …

  2. Meet the Cangjians


    I have been hacking on Chinese input methods for Hong Kong people for more than a year now, and recently the project gained some momentum.

    In order to increase participation, and make it less of a "one man show", I created some time ago the Cangjians team on Github, and …

  3. A great iteration at The Loop

    I realize I should blog more often about The Loop, the Free Software hackfest we are running every two weeks at the Dim Sum Labs here in Hong Kong, so here's an attempt at doing just that. We'll see how long it lasts. :-)

    I'm back from tonight's event, and it …

  4. IBus Cangjie 1.0 is out

    Following on the hard work we have been doing for the past few months, I released IBus Cangjie 1.0 yesterday evening.

    I had been meaning to do that for a while, but kept thinking about a few details to change here and there, and constantly postponed it. Well, you …

  5. Showcase your FOSS contributions with Ohloh

    I was talking with a friend the other day (or should I say night?) about FOSS and the various ways in which it is rewarding for someone to contribute.

    One of the arguments was about how contributing to FOSS helps you build for yourself an awesome, public resume. Indeed, any …

  6. IBus Cangjie is in Ubuntu!

    Just a quick to let everybody know that thanks to Anthony Wong's work, IBus Cangjie is now available in the official Ubuntu 13.04 repositories.

    That makes it easier to install than ever.

    Thank you Anthony!

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