Articles in the Blog category

  1. Release early, release often... release with dumb bugs :)

    On Sunday, I discovered a bug in shomyu.

    The Javascript library TinyMCE was called in the wrong folder (yeah, I know, stupid mistake -_-) which made it impossible to enable rich-text editing in the users descriptions.

    This was fixed in master branch and in 0.5. As a consequence, I …

  2. Shomyu est parmi nous !

    J'ai récemment présenté shomyu, une application web libre permettant aux membres d'une communauté de se situer géographiquement et d'ajouter une courte description sur eux.

    Il y a 3 semaines de cela, j'ai demandé à être Fedora Hosted, et cela vient de se concrétiser :D (je suppose que l'équipe Infrastructure de …

  3. Shomyu is out !

    I recently introduced shomyu, a free webapp allowing members of a community to locate themselves and to add a short description about them.

    I asked for being Fedora Hosted 3 weeks ago, and it finally came :-D (I suppose the guys from the Fedora Infrastructure Team were too busy lately …

  4. Hi Planet Fedora !

    Just opened this blog.

    I'm not fond of self introductions, so here is a link for the curious.

    Here I'll try to provide some useful content and not bother everyone with my ordinary life. :)

    Next article should not be so fiddling.

  5. Premier billet

    Voila mon premier billet.

    Sur ce blog, je vais parler du libre en général, de Fedora en particulier, et j'essaierai de pas trop parler de ma vie.

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